Sunday Share: The Greeting Committee

The Greeting Committee band

My best Sundays so far have all featured good music. There’s nothing like a quiet afternoon in, hot tea in your hands and an album setting the vibe.

Today, that album was This Is It by The Greeting Committee. I found this Kansas City-based band through Spotify: one of my Discover Weekly playlists included their track, “You’ve Got Me.” Being a sucker for saxophones and indie pop, I fell hard. The best part? The rest of the album didn’t let me down.

Here’s a live session they played at KJHK earlier this year, featuring four great tracks from This Is It. The audio mix isn’t the best, but this is a band that shines live, and this is the best set of tracks I’ve found from the recordings on YouTube.

Cherry on top: “You’ve Got Me” kicks off the show.